
Yes, you need a lawyer!

Yes, you need a lawyer!

Not every legal matter requires the use of an attorney. Fighting a speeding ticket and going to small claims courts are two examples. However, in many other situations involving a legal dispute, challenge, or life event, you may not wish to chance the risks of doing it alone without the advice of an experienced lawyer who can help you out. In fact, while good legal representation may not be cheap, it can help get you out of a number of stressful situations.

The top five most stressful life events – in no particular order – include:

  • Divorce
  • Major illness or injury
  • Job loss
  • Death of a loved one
  • Moving

Whilst we may not be able to assist you with moving home we can most certainly assist in making the rest less stressful for you!

GROBBELAAR Incorporated provides a range of general legal services in Ballito, on the North Coast of South Africa. If you are looking for a dedicated firm, a firm which employs a hands-on approach and is committed to serving its client’s best interests, you have found the right law firm in G. GROBBELAAR INCORPORATED.


Going through a divorce is traumatic. In addition to dealing with heartache and possible betrayal, you also need to think about your children, assets, court procedures and how you will rebuild your life after it’s all over. During this incredibly stressful time, it is unfortunately easy to make emotional decisions that you may regret for many years to come. That is why you need an objective professional on your side to help you get through the legalities. One less thing to worry about will make a huge difference.


All users of South African roads are eligible for social insurance, should they be in an accident.  This includes passengers in a vehicle, pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, and those not involved in the road accident but who are severely affected (such as a minor child or remaining spouse). You are able to claim against injuries sustained or death arising from an accident on the road.  It is administrated by the South African government and claimed funds are taken from the fuel levy. Claims can be instituted for medical expenses, loss of earnings, loss of support, and general damages for pain and suffering.  This includes emotional shock and disfigurement, but only for serious injuries. Claiming from the Road Accident Fund (RAF) can be a complicated matter.  It involves completing legal forms, obtaining medical reports, lodging an affidavit, getting witness information, and other administrative requirements.  If these aren’t submitted without error, the claim may be rejected. That is why it is imperative that you have a lawyer handle the process for you.


We attend to the administration of deceased estates as well as the drafting of wills and trusts in general, and commercial contracts.


We represent both individual and corporate clients in arbitrations in various forums around the country. Our services include but are not limited to the drafting and/or argument of a variety of matters and applications including inter alia jurisdictional disputes, condonation applications, rescission applications and legal representation. In addition to the above, where legal representation is not permitted, we can assist with the preparation of the case and provide advice on how to oppose or present the case.

Our clients can rest assured that we will act in a swift and professional manner, as we take pride in our work and our main objective is to achieve the best results for our clients by providing a professional and novel approach to each matter.

For more in-depth information and specifics, read our General Legal Services page to find out how our attorneys and lawyers can assist you in your legal service’s needs.

Alternatively you can contact us via email, telephone or use the contact us form on our website.

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